Medina Mushaf and Indonesian Mushaf are both written with the Uthmani Rasm, but there are some differences such as waqaf and punctuation.

Some other differences are:


The writing of the word Allah has differences in its diacritical marks. The Medina Mushaf does not have elongation marks. Meanwhile, the Indonesian Mushaf has elongation marks as a form of mad. Although the Medina Mushaf does not write the reading marks, the way to read it remains long.


Indonesian Mushaf uses tasydid marks for every idgham bi ghunnah reading, which totals 4, namely ya, wawu, nun, and mim. While in the Medina Mushaf, it only consists of the letters mim and nun.


The nun ikhfa mark in Indonesian Mushaf is given a sukun mark, while in Medina Mushaf it is not given any mark.


The letters mad tabi'i alif, wawu, and ya in Indonesian Mushaf are given sukun marks. While in Medina Mushaf, they are not given any marks at all.



For ha' dhamir or mad shilah. The Indonesian Mushaf uses an inverted dhammah or small alif. Meanwhile, the Medina Mushaf uses dhammah and kasrah marks with the addition of small wawu and small ya.



For the iqlab reading mark, the Indonesian Mushaf provides a standing mim plus sukun. While the Medina Mushaf will provide a standing mim and does not provide a nun reading mark.


